Rooms are pretty decent; my double is pretty well-sized compared to others and has two closets. It can get kinda chaotic here sometimes, but I guess that says more about the occupants than the actual building.
The bathroom situation is alright; there's some mold in a lot of the showers but if you know which ones to use (hint: try the basement) they're not bad. (Seriously, the only shower with a disposable showerhead that's clean enough to be worth using is in the basement, at least at the time of writing.) Maybe I take showers at odd times, but I've never really had a problem with the toilets/showers-to-people ratio. The upstairs lounge is pretty decent; I've seen more interesting-looking lounges, but can't complain about the Jounge either.
All laundry machines are in the basement-they break pretty frequently, but that's probably a universal experience. Eight washers and eight dryers for everyone. There's also smaller lounges throughout the building that are pretty decent spots to go on a Zoom call when your roommate is studying or what have you.
Location-wise James-Mead is also pretty good. It's close to the Ratty and as close as freshman dorms get to Jo's, which isn't far, although getting to Andrews is a bit annoying. It's also pretty close to the Main Green-not to mention it facilitates my frequent visits to Wickenden Street. Keeney is also right across from the Stonewall House and the Sarah Doyle Center-take note!! Great places to study, lots of free food events, and less than a minute from your dorm. For any musicians out there (hi future James-Mead bandies!!), the walk to the music district is about as convenient as it can get while still keeping you in proximity of everything else.
Overall, I think I'm happy with my room assignment. Obviously I wish I had a sink in my room like the people in Andrews, but I haven't really had issues with rooming here. Just, y'know, be aware that unlike the Em-Wool rooms, the doors lock behind you, whether the keys are in your pocket or not!