Vartan Gregorian Quad

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Vartan Gregorian Q...












4.75 / 5 🚿
4.75 / 5 🛌
4.00 / 5 📍
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Renamed in honor of Brown's 16th president, Vartan Gregorian Quad opened in September 1991 as the Thayer Street Quadrangle. More affectionately known as New Dorm, Gregorian Quad is divided into two L-shaped wings with a grassy quadrangle in the middle. The Quad is also home to Josiah's snack bar, named after famed Professor of Psychoceramics Josiah S. Carberry.
4.75 / 5 🚿
4.75 / 5 🛌
4.00 / 5 📍


Area Name: South Campus
Sublocation: A B
Floorplan: A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4


101 Thayer Street, Providence RI, 02906

Reviews (2)

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4.5 / 5
4.5 / 5 🚿
4.5 / 5 🛌
4 / 5 📍
"Greg" or "New Dorm" has long been one of the highest quality upper-division dorms -- it features suite-style living with mostly single rooms, and each suite usually featuring a common room with a couple couches and a table. You can easily fit a TV and whatever other entertainment things you want in your common room, and all of them also feature a sink. The bedrooms are a little on the small side, but the fact they are singles makes up for that. Each bedroom has a small closet, and the common room has 2 closets. Each floor has a communal lounge/kitchen, and there are a few communal bathrooms on every floor that are decent quality.


5 / 5
5 / 5 🚿
5 / 5 🛌
4 / 5 📍
Lots of construction outside - but that's bound to end soon because the new residence halls will be opening soon! There is a filtered water station in the second floor lounge that I made very frequent use of. Heating is much nicer here when compared to other dorms that have radiators - there's a nice little dial on the wall you can turn. Location is around a 5 minute walk to Sciences Complex, and around 8 to Main Green. It is one of the furthest south dorms.